Is it difficult for others to grasp what you’re saying? Is it common for you to be asked to repeat yourself?

Don’t be too concerned. That’s normal when learning a new language. This is something that many of us will go through. Some people may still be self-conscious about their accents, while others may have difficulty finding and pronouncing the correct words.

As you continue to utilize the language and immerse yourself in the culture, your pronunciation and accent will improve. There are a variety of things you can do to accelerate your progress. 

Here are five basic tips to get you started!

  • Record Your Audio OR Video

Record yourself speaking to get a sense of how you sound and to check for flaws in your pronunciation or accent. You can read a page from a book or a newspaper, or engage in a typical conversation in the language with a friend or family member, and record them. Now, listen to your recordings carefully.

Do you have a firm understanding of yourself? Are there any words or phrases that you consistently mispronounce? Take note of how quickly you speak, your intonation, and how you sound in general. Work on the areas in which you need to improve. 

  • Get Familiar with The Phonetic Alphabets

Going back to basics and examining the sounds employed in words of the language might be beneficial. This doesn’t mean you have to learn the alphabet all over again – you’ve probably already done that! It entails becoming familiar with the phonemes of the language.

Learning the phonetic alphabet can help you recognize new sounds and offer you some navigational markers as you learn the language. Once you’ve mastered these sounds, you’ll notice them far more frequently when speaking and listening in your new language. You’ll learn to distinguish sounds that appear identical to the untrained ear, thus, making spelling easier. 

  • Practice New Words with Their Pronunciations

If you’re working on your vocabulary and come across a word you don’t know how to pronounce, don’t guess. It is significantly easier to learn proper pronunciation from the start than it is to change a bad habit afterward. 

Look up words in dictionaries, both online and offline, and practice pronouncing them. If you have trouble pronouncing a word, practice it more until you pronounce it rightly!

  • Make Use of Audio Materials

You may find a lot of audio material on the internet to help you improve your pronunciation and accent. Listen as much as possible and on a regular basis! Focus on rhythm, breaks, and intonation while listening to brief audio tracks. Try to figure out what makes the sentence flow, and then try to reproduce it. 

  • Talk To the Native Speakers

Talking to native speakers is one of the most efficient strategies to improve your accent and pronunciation in a foreign language. They can determine which words you speak differently and assist you in identifying errors that you are unable to hear yourself. Establish some important sounds to improve with your partner, and ask them to correct you if you make a mistake.


Training your accent and pronunciation requires some skill and patience, so don’t get demotivated if it doesn’t come immediately. Just try the above-mentioned tips and see yourself improving in the language! 

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